Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Amazing Father!!

So this is a little belated!! It was my Dad's Birthday on Monday, August 17th, but I wrote the blog about Barry and then I've been SO busy since, that I haven't had time to write this. But I just wanted to let my Dad know what an Amazing man he is, and how much I Love and Respect Him!! He is probably THE BEST DAD in the World!! He is very patient, and loving!! He was the best example of the type of man that I should look for!! He loves the gospel, and he loves his family more than anything!! He works so hard for his family, and always puts them first!! Barry was SO scared to ask for my hand in marriage because he thought that since he had taken so long to ask, my Dad would be mad, or tell him "No." Of course, that is Not even close to what happened!! He just said that he would like him to take care of me. He only thinks of others!! Some great memories that I have with my Dad are when I was a little girl I was a DADDIES GIRL through and through!! On Saturday mornings I would crawl into bed with my parents and ask my Dad to make me go "Flying" up high in the sky!! He would put me above his head, and then him and my Mom would say "Megan, you get down from that sky!" I always loved to go in and feel the love that my parents have for each other, and for me!!
I don't know if my Dad really likes to camp, but my Mom and Chris and I LOVE to camp. He would take the time to help us set up, and usually, while we were having TONS of fun for a week camping, he would be working a couple of those days. But he NEVER complained, and he would come up as much as he could. Then he would help us load up the stuff and take us home!!
I never had to wonder if he loved me, Chris or my Mom. He will willingly show it, no matter what!! He is always interested in what is going on, and tries to find out ways to solve any problem!!
He was persistent and helped to find my ring, when both Barry and I had given up on it!! I seriously could have cried my eyes out when I realized that because of his persistence, he found my ring!!
He is amazing at finding things!! I lost some earrings once and cried my eyes out!! He went an looked where I had been, even after I had "searched to no use!" and cam back with the earrings!!
I Love My Dad SO MUCH!! He is truly an amazing man, and I thank my Heavenly Father that I was blessed into a home with a strong conviction of the church, and that is SO loving!! Thank you Dad for all of the sacrifices that you have made, and continue to make on mine, and our families behalf!! You truly are AMAZING!!

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